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What I do

I leverage emerging tech to instill empathy, compassion, and humanity in my work.


“An impressionist painting of a young artist on her computer with her head in the clouds,” 2023. DALL-E.

Trial & Error

I like to say I’ve taken an iterative approach to life. I feel lucky that every past version of myself informs my creative process.

When I grow up, I want to be a(n)...
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These days...

I believe we have a responsibility as creatives to never stop learning... about our craft, each other, and the world we create for.

I thrive in environments where I can utilize data, insights, and technology to create work rooted in empathy and understanding.

I aspire to become one of the youngest creative directors in our industry - I feel driven to build, lead and inspire teams like those who have made me the person I am today.

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